
グランズウェル01 2008年12月9日:People don’t trust company blogs. What you should do about it.

The data comes from an online survey we conducted in Q2 of this year. Our online panel is as representative as we can make if of the US online adult population (18 and older).? In this case, we surveyed over 5000 people.

Only 16% of online consumers who read corporate blogs say they trust them.

We examined these results further. Among people who regularly read blogs (at least once a month), 24% trust company blogs. Among people who blog themselves, 39% trust them. These are low numbers any way you slice it.

In fact, those who trust company blogs are the most trusting of all consumers. Not only do they trust blogs more than average consumers, they trust everything more. Your blog isn’t winning over many skeptics, folks.

In retrospect this result is not that surprising. People don’t trust companies in general. Why should they trust a company blog any more than a press release or an advertisement?

Make no mistake. This is not a plea to give up on blogging.

This means that if you blog, your goal should be to create a blog about which people say “I like that ? I don’t think of it as a company blog.” For the most part, that’s a hurdle you need to jump to gain their trust. I don’t mean to hide who is writing the blog. I mean it has to be more about your customers than it is about you.
そう、あなたのブログをみんなに ”このブログ好きなんだよね。企業ブログだなんて思ってないよ”と思わせる必要があるということだ。企業について、商品について書くことよりも、あなたの消費者について書くことを薦めるよ。そうしないと信用をあまり得るとは思えないんだよね、その代わり、あなたの戦略目的は達成しちゃうけどね、皮肉なことに。

If you want to be a thought leader and helper for your customers, and you blog frequently about those customers’ problems and solutions, then you can generate trust. This takes time and effort, but it will enhance your company’s reputation and it’s worth it. Want an example. Check out Rubbermaid’s blog.If you have created a community for your customers, your company needs a voice in that community. A blog is a natural way to meet this need.
本当にお客の助けになりたかったり、問題を解決したいんだったら、お客が抱えている問題とその解決方法を書くべきだよ。その事例として、Rubbermaid’s blogをみてみてほしい。コミュニティを作りたかったり、顧客の声を吸い上げるなら、ブログが一番理にかなった方法だと思うんだ。







